Saturday, January 3, 2015


So my wife, +Ayana Harrell, asked about our Top 5 Resolutions for 2015. I have been sitting down and thinking about what mine could be. I've had some great ideas but these come to mind:

  1. Getting mentally sound with myself. Getting to a point to where I understand where I originally came from and be the person that I once was about 3 years ago.
  2. Becoming a better parent than I once was. I love my children and want to see them happy at all costs. 
  3. Getting physically fit. I have been in the gym since November and taken up a strong interest and sense of urgency of getting my body to a point to where I feel comfortable. 
  4. Accomplish my education. I have found myself hoping from school to school and not feeling a sense of home with any of them. I am now attending +Colorado Technical University and feel that I can accomplish what it is that I need to and know that I have the proper guidance and assistance from the staff there. 
  5. And last but not least, I want to show +Ayana Harrell that I have completely changed into the stronger, mature, and fun loving man that she wants me to be and that I am still evolving each and everyday. 
These are my Resolutions for 2015 and I will say that I have started working on these since last March and made them to be my 2015 and not 2014 resolutions. There was too much going on last year for me to stop and take care of myself when it came to resolutions. So since July of 2014 I've made it my goal to take everything that I wanted to do in life to where I am working on self and making it the goal for 2015. Thank you all for share. God's Speed and take care!

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